Our annual fundraising gala is an evening of celebration that also fosters fellowship and a deeper connection to the community. Each year, we honor at least one family with an unrestricted financial gift to use on autism care. These funds can be used on a broad range of family needs from therapeutic interventions to relaxation and respite for caregivers – we believe those living with autism, and those caring for someone with autism both deserve to have their needs met.

Since 2022, we’ve awarded $2000.00 to two local families – and we look forward to honoring another in 2024, with your support. Meet our previous honorees below.

Honorees from Previous Galas

  • Kai Noni

    Kai Noni

    First Honoree 2022

    Kai has an auesome son named DJ. They were our first honorees of our first annual gala.

  • Jerrel and Saloan Dunlap

    Creative Genius

    Saloan is an artist and her website is www.queenloany.com

    Jerrel is the owner of TrashGenius, the creator of From Charlotte With Love. www.fromcharlottewithlove.com

    Our family also owns Ace of Spuds Food Truck.

    Kingston was born in October 2019 right before the entire world shut down. We started questioning his development once we noticed he wasn’t hitting the speech milestones. Then shortly after picking up on lack of speech, we noticed a little bit of stemming with his hand around 2 years old. He was diagnosed with autism in June 2023

  • Andrew and Jomaira Ortiz

    Founders of Rooted Hearts Ministries

    We honored this amazing autism family who are the founders of Rooted Hears ministries. Their 501 (c) 3 organization provides at no cost sensory boxes to children with autism. Check out their website https://www.rootedheartsministries.org/

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